Tuesday, August 23, 2011

USA becomes Food Stamp Nation

USA becomes Food Stamp Nation
Saucedo, who received $ 9.70 per hour for 26 hours a week and lives with his mother's tea is one of the many Americans who survive because of government handouts in what is rapidly becoming. as Food Stamps. All that is now almost 46 million people in the United States on food stamps for about 15 percent of the population. Increased by 74 percent since 2007, before the financial crisis and deep recession led to massive job losses. Some Republican lawmakers are looking for. As for how to cut the budget deficit in the country. While there are some obvious cases of abuse by those who support vouchers. I do not really need it for so many Americans have little choice in this case, is whether Saucedo must put food on the table while paying rent and utilities. "It's a bit 'sad that even though I work, I need help from the government. I asked them to put full-time, so I have benefits," said the 32 years. He works at Wal - Mart for nine months, and for good meal after his trial ended. He said that many of his colleagues in the same situation. For his clients, Bill Simon, head of Wal - Mart's U.S. operations, said in a conference call on Tuesday that the company has seen a growing number of buyers from the government for food assistance. Approximately forty percent of the recipients of food stamps as Saucedo, in families with at least one member of the family paid more can benefit from a government estimate of one third may be on the program again. not. "If you are working, often think they can get help. But that can not support their families, $ 10, $ 11, $ 12 for an hour, especially when you add the transportation, clothing, rent". Carolyn McLaughlin, executive director of BronxWorks, an organization that provides social services. in New York said. The maximum amount that a family of four will receive $ 668 a month in food stamps, can be used only to buy food - even if the food is not hot - and the plants and seeds to grow food. President Bill Clinton, George W. Bush Barack Obama, and all make efforts to spread awareness of the program and eliminate the stigma associated with it. In 2004, paper coupons are replaced with a form similar to a debit card is charged in 2008 were renamed the project to provide additional assistance benefits (SNAP) nutrition, though most people still call them. Food stamps. Despite support for the program in the past, some of the most recent expressions of political support for food stamps are concerned. Newt Gingrich said he was derided Democrats as "party stamps, the food" and a leading Republican in the House of Representatives proposed to amend the program to make money through blogging "and" state rather than let it grow automatically when necessary, since an emergency such as natural disasters or economic crises. In some parts of the country who use Food Stamps has become almost the norm. In May 2011, one third of all people in Alabama were on food stamps - even if part of that was due to an emergency situation after the community was destroyed by a series of destructive tornadoes in Washington C.. ., Mississippi, New Mexico, Oregon and Tennessee has a population of about one-fifth of them in the food stamp month. "Food Stamps traditionally insulated from politics," Parke Wilde, a professor of food policy at Tufts University, said that the United States. "But as you look through the fiscally conservative in the current proposal is a question that has radically changed some things." Low wages to support the project. Over 20 years of the program was changed in 1989, a benefit higher percentage than that of work, but a higher percentage of 2009 revenues. "Snap to increase support," said Ed Bolen, an analyst at the Center on Budget and Policy priorities said. And it gets worse: So far in the recovery of growth has been concentrated in occupations that pay lower wages with little income growth, a moderate amount. significantly higher than the cost of blue collar work have been lost. 3 percent in 2002, according to government figures. According to Bolen, only with a parent for at least the same wages are usually eligible for food stamps. "This is an implicit subsidy for low wages and in terms of creating incentives for higher wages, which is really not a good thing," Arindrajit Dube, Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts. MA Amherst, which has improved the research shows that minimum. Wages stimulate economic activity. Until a few weeks ago Tashawna Green, 21, of Queens Village, New York, working 25 hours per week at $ 8.08 an hour, as I had expected retail sales. She was on food stamps, and said that a good number of his former colleagues, too. "It is good that the government will help. If the employer does not pay enough and we will have enough hours on Food Stamps" Green is the daughter of six years, he said. Of course, the unemployment rate over 9 percent, some people argue that those who are lucky enough to work anywhere. Millions of Americans whose unemployment benefits have expired only according to the Food Stamp and other public assistance such as support for health care, Medicaid And even with unemployment benefits, said Jessica King, 25, of Portland, Oregon, juggles her family, bills to make sure the power is on. They also sell some assets to raise capital on craigslist. Husband, Stephen King, 30 years, the assembly of electronic components has lost his job two months ago, when she was seven months pregnant with their second child. It was the third time it has been unemployed since 2008. He said he was hesitant at first to go on Food Stamps. "I feel the national debt that I do not want to be part of the problem," King worked as a cook, a faith based non-profit organization said.

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