Tuesday, June 21, 2011

What is lung cancer

What is lung cancer. Normal cells in various organs. When the life of the body deteriorate and die. The body creates new cells to replace old cells that die. New cells under the control of our bodies. When we checked the cell to grow indefinitely. To become a normal space. We call it a lump of cancer (malignancy) If the tumor is growing by the expulsion of our bodies, but is not placed in adjacent organs is called. Cancer, noncancerous (benign tumor), but if it destroys our organs that are close to it. I called a tumor or cancer (Cancer).

In addition, many types of cancer can spread to other parts of the body through the bloodstream and lymphatic system. The transformation of normal cells because the cells are stimulated, or toxic to cellular components (DNA or Gene) cells to become abnormal.

In general, we are divided into 2 groups of cells in the lung cancer of small cell lung cancer (small cell lung cancer or SCLC) and non-small cell cancer of the cells (non-small cell lung cancer or NSCLC).

1. The types of small cell lung cancer (small cell lung cancer or SCLC) is only about 15-20% of these tumors spread rapidly. Even when cancer is first found a small lump, but they tend to spread. Cancer patients are often the treatment.

2. Cancer, non-small cell (non-small cell lung cancer or NSCLC) showed about 80% of lung cancer, their prognosis is better and live longer than cancer cells is very small. Divided into subgroups of non-small cell cancer of the cells is by its nature. - Squamous cell carcinoma is a type of cells is about 40-45% of these tumors are associated with smoking. Usually found in lungs, lungs, central, near the poles - is about 25-30% Adenocarcinoma is usually found in lungs out. It can be found in people who do not smoke. It can cause scarring in the lungs are scarred from TB. Scars, pneumonia, etc. - is about 50-10% Great Undiferentiated Cell Cancer - Cancer bronchiole is less than 5% - the other is less than 5%.

Mesothilioma or pleural cancer found in their work, the mining industry and, in particular of asbestos dust. [Edit] cause of lung cancer. Nature of cigarette causes lung cancer. Jpg.
There are many causes of lung cancer is cigarette smoking, approximately 80% of lung cancers occur in people who smoke. It 'was very different. And the smoke was more likely as more and more. Los Gatos, powdered asbestos (asbestos) is a substance that can cause lung cancer. Those who work in factories that are used. Asbestos industry in the West. As with other components. Used in homes causes lung cancer. (Mesothelioma). Radon (radon) is a radioactive gas. Texts resulting from the dissolution of Eureka. Many of the texts of Eureka in the soil gas radon is higher than normal, as well as some of mine. Likely to have cancer causes higher than normal radon, especially if someone is smoking even more. Substances in the workplace that can cause cancer. And we should avoid including Eureka Condos (uranium), arsenic (Arsenic), plastic (vinyl) chloride (chloride), nickel (nickel chrome), produced from coal (Coal Products). Smoke Thomas Titus (mustard gas), ether (Chloromethyl ethers), gasoline (petrol), diesel exhaust gas to (diesel exhaust). Cannabis (marijuana) smoking marijuana, the amount of oil compared to conventional cigarettes. There are also other substances that cause cancer are present. Furthermore, marijuana smokers tend to inhale the smoke deeply and hold their breath and hold on the smoke to the lungs. Radiation therapy for cancer. (Radiotherapy) for exposure to radiation to treat breast cancer with radiation can cause cancer of the lungs. Especially if you smoke, the more likely that more and more. Other diseases that cause diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and lung scarring in some. May increase the risk of lung cancer. Some diseases caused by inhalation of mineral water in the lungs may have a greater chance of cancer such as silicon Coral Sea. Family history. If a person in the pedigree as a family have lung cancer. We have the possibility of slight increase in lung cancer. The report suggests that food. People who eat a diet with less fruit and vegetables are more likely to lung cancer. And who believe that their diet can be effective in preventing cancer of the lungs. Pollution. May cause a greater chance of lung cancer, but less smoking. Those in the city have lung cancer than those living in rural areas from 1.2 to 2.3 times

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